

one or two things have happened lately

Last night we saw Gang of Four! Just as the NYC review promised, it was a great show, we didn't even notice while we were there that we were up hours and hours past our bedtime. These four old (for pop rockers) guys jumping around on stage were orders of magnitude better than the four old guys who were Duran Duran jumping around on stage, and that was over 10 years ago so the ages aren't even truly comparable. At any rate, up until the strobe on the very last song of the main set, which gave me a head- and stomach-ache all at once, we had a great time singing along and cracking up at the, well, goofy dancing. And, they ended with their cover of 'Sweet Jane' as the last song of their second encore, so I was happy.

Last weekend, I got Pearl out of the shop with new brake pads and a drive train clean-up. Nothing else was seriously wrong with her, except that I still need to figure out how to replace the battery on my bike computer and/or just replace the whole thing. Since I've been cleared to ride, I'm looking forward to getting back on the trails. From our new place we again have easy access to most of the area paths, so as soon as it stops pouring down buckets of rain in the mornings I'll be on the road again. One major benefit of not training for an endurance ride: not ever having to start a ride in the rain.

Earlier that week we also had a visitor from Ann Arbor, in town for a transportation government safety conference thingy. We walked, we talked, we ate, we slept (her on the ever-popular air mattress, which is standing the test of actual use quite well). I hope to be able to see more of her when I'm back in the area this summer, on my days off.

The weekend before that, I finally went to see the Modigliani exhibit. I enjoyed it, but wasn't all that impressed with all the flat blue-'eyed' portraits. The caryatid series was striking, but his controversial nudes and portraits of certain attractive dandies were the best of the paintings themselves. But enough about that, as others blather better about art than I.

And that's May. For Memorial Day we're joining the vacationing masses to drive over the bridge and down the shore to a little island that we've never visited. Should be good fun.

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