

spring cleaning

both literally and not, that's what I've been up to lately. after riding out the winter since the election, I'm emerging to get things in order now that spring is in the air.

it's hard not to look ahead to the summer, as the next few months will be full and likely zoom by. visits by friends, family, and our own trip to ireland have march booked. april looks to be lots of grading and wrapping up the term. then it's may. lynne promises to have me back in the pool in the summer, so I diligently keep on keeping on with the shoulder strengthening exercises. then in july I'll be teaching a soc course for maryland's young scholars' program, and in august back to the farm to help harvest those berries.

after chatting with chip this week, I'm considering my webspace and using it a bit more creatively. that may be june's project, but it's nice to jot down ideas as they come up. I'm considering, finally after all these years, running our own server. it would also be nice to set up a bbs for the salon group and have that be stored locally.

as always, there's no lack of things to keep us busy. what with home, work, and the ever-loonier political landscape, there's rarely a dull moment.

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