yes no maybe

we went to see tmbg in towson last thursday. it's weird to see a band live for the first time after listening to them for 15 years. it was great. I highly recommend it.
busy like houndstooth
the past couple of weeks have flown by.
of note, classes started. they're full. of students. whom I'm now generally 10 years older than.
also, we entered the ass end of the 20th century by purchasing a scanner, combo dvd-player/vcr, and both a mini fridge for my office and cd-cassette player (you know, the small machine known as a "boombox" mid-century) over labor day weekend.
I then celebrated labor day by, well, laboring. we did celebrate labor day eve by having a house-warming grillfest, so it was all good.
in recognition of the greatness of finally having a scanner, I give you this:

live, circa 1993
of note, classes started. they're full. of students. whom I'm now generally 10 years older than.
also, we entered the ass end of the 20th century by purchasing a scanner, combo dvd-player/vcr, and both a mini fridge for my office and cd-cassette player (you know, the small machine known as a "boombox" mid-century) over labor day weekend.
I then celebrated labor day by, well, laboring. we did celebrate labor day eve by having a house-warming grillfest, so it was all good.
in recognition of the greatness of finally having a scanner, I give you this:

live, circa 1993