mary stuart masterson
I got to meet mary stuart masterson on friday, before seeing the play that night. she signed my movie cover "with love."
those who know, know. those who don't need to get a better favorite actress. so there.
those who know, know. those who don't need to get a better favorite actress. so there.
tuesday night excitement
skinny puppy = good
food poisoning = bad
food poisoning = bad
they're using all the songs of our youth to advertise crap on tv.
this is worse than the 80s being retro.
also worse than being able to sing along to everything they play at whole foods.
if the ads weren't for things like herpes medication, but we were instead stuck at the point in the 90s when they were advertising volkswagons with industrial tracks, it would be bearable.
instead it's yet another reminder not to turn the tv on more than a couple of times a month.
I understand better why my parents didn't find the classic rock stations quite as entertaining as we did.
this is worse than the 80s being retro.
also worse than being able to sing along to everything they play at whole foods.
if the ads weren't for things like herpes medication, but we were instead stuck at the point in the 90s when they were advertising volkswagons with industrial tracks, it would be bearable.
instead it's yet another reminder not to turn the tv on more than a couple of times a month.
I understand better why my parents didn't find the classic rock stations quite as entertaining as we did.